Kimber's Story




Kimber is very special. Lilo is her sister. The breeder who we got Lilo from thought that Kimber would be a good fit for our family. She was 9 months old when we picked her up. We bonded right away. Lilo welcomed her into our home and showed her the way around the house and yard. Kimber is a very smart, fast learner. Her very first trip was to an amusement park with our family. I was using a wheelchair at that time and she stayed right next to me the entire time. She didn’t mind all the people, other dogs, and other animals. We enjoyed our trip together and became even closer.

She is a great mom. Very loving and patient with her puppies. She keeps them very clean and fed well. They are usually very plump puppies. She is also very good at communicating her needs and wants. She has a voice that she uses to emphasis her desires. The current mood for her is at 8:00pm she will get the zoomies and want to play or go outside. We can’t ignore this because her paw will smack you until you submit to her requests.

The smart level on this dog is very high, learning how to get out of the fence. Get what she needs from her other mates to humans. She had a car accident shortly after we got her at 1 1/2 years old. Because of that she now has three legs. Don’t let that fool you though, she is faster than the others with four legs. It hasn’t stopped her. We do have a prothesis for her to use, and she was the best patient while getting it designed and fitted for her. We love her tons.


Porter's Story