Get Involved

Be a Guardian

This is a new program for our breeding dogs. We are offering a select few to be guardians over our potential breeding stock.

How it works:

We would select a puppy from a litter that we would like to use in our breeding program and that puppy would be fostered out to a family for their pet until we are ready to potentially breed her/him. When the appropriate time comes that we may want to use this puppy, we would set up a time to evaluate the pup/dog to see how it has grown up and if it would provide a line to help better the breed. If not the puppy would be spayed/neutered and the family would keep the dog as their pet forever. The cost of this program is reduced and an agreement is signed.

Homes would be inspected and interviewed for this process.

Apply Here

Or just send me a message

 Contact us.

  • Brenda Erekson

    Clinton Erekson

  • 2180 I Road

    Grand Junction, Colorado 81505

  • (970)314-5077 Texting is the very quickest way to get ahold of me.